Services Offered

Call (701) 751-5822 for a free estimate or if you have questions about our services.


We have the ability to provide you with Sandblasting, Grinding and/or Waterblasting. Waterblasting, is our preferred method of removal as it leaves virtually no roadway damage. Also, waterblasting uses a vacuum recovery system for capturing debris. Our trained employees are here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about your removal needs.

Paint and Epoxy

We specialize in Paint and Epoxy installation. Whether it be parking lots, airport striping or many miles of road, we are here to help. We are experienced in creating new parking lot layouts and restriping existing lines to give them a “refreshed” look.  We have all equipment necessary to ensure that all jobs are done in a professional and timely manner.

Rumble Strips

We also provide Rumble Strip installation. We have the ability to provide you with Transverse/intersection Rumble Strips, Edgeline and Centerline Rumble Strips.

Preformed Polymer Tape

If you are looking for a durable pavement marking, consider Preformed Polymer Tape. We have experience installing Premark and 3M Tape. There is also a large assortment of pavement stencils available and we can custom order almost any design.